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A correction of the VASP WIKI page for the IMAGES flag.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:45 pm
by john_low1
To whom it may concern,

Please correct a typo on the VASP WIKI page for the IMAGES flag.

The word "we" in the following text from this page should be changed to the word "few".

"If this problem is encountered, a very low dimensionality parameter (IBRION=1, NFREE=2) should be applied in the first we steps, or a steepest descent minimization without line optimization (IBRION=3, SMASS=2). should be used, to pre-converge the images."

The corrected text should read: "If this problem is encountered, a very low dimensionality parameter (IBRION=1, NFREE=2) should be applied in the first few steps, or a steepest descent minimization without line optimization (IBRION=3, SMASS=2). should be used, to pre-converge the images."

By the way, I appreciate the recent updates to the VASP WIKI!

John Low
Argonne National Laboratory

Re: A correction of the VASP WIKI page for the IMAGES flag.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 4:02 pm
by fabien_tran1
Thank you.