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NKRED = [integer]
Default: NKRED = 1 

Description: NKRED specifies an uniform reduction factor for the q-point grid representation of the exact exchange potential.

One may restrict the sum over q in the Fock exchange potential (or one of its short range counterparts) to a subset, {qk}, of the full (N 1×N 2×N 3) k-point set, {k}, for which the following holds

where b1,2,3 are the reciprocal lattice vectors of the primitive cell, and C i is the integer grid reduction factor along reciprocal lattice direction b i. This leads to a reduction in the computational workload by a factor:

In case one sets NKRED, the grid reduction factors will be uniformly set to C 1=C 2=C 3=NKRED. If one wants to specify separate grid reduction factors for C 1, C 2, and C 3 one should use C 1=NKREDX, C 2=NKREDY, and C 3=NKREDZ, respectively.

Mind: there are circumstances under which NKRED should not be used!

Related Tags and Sections

NKREDX, NKREDY, NKREDZ, EVENONLY, ODDONLY, downsampling, Hartree-Fock_and_HF/DFT_hybrid_functionals
